
Al-Hamra Interior
Two date storage jars in a mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A large, mud-brick dwelling in the traditional settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman.

Omani Painted Door
A brightly painted door just inside the entrance of the dwelling in the previous image. The door is to the house's majlis, or male sitting room, where visitors could be entertained without them having to be brought fully into the house and so keeping female family members out of view. Guests would be served kahwa, that is, coffee and dates, which would be prepared by the women in the rooftop kitchen, then brought down and placed in the alcove. After knocking on the door to indicate that the kahwa was ready, the female attendant would then withdraw and a young male member of the household would serve the coffee in the majlis to the guests.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Dwellings
A humble dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with a grander dwelling at the end of the lane way.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Dwellings
Two large dwellings in the settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman. Built on the lower exposed granite slopes of the Western Hajar mountains in Oman's Ad-Dakhiliya (Interior) Region, Al Hamra was first founded in the late 17th century and continued to expand till the latter decades of the 20th century. It was gradually abandoned in the 1980s and 1990s in favour of new habitation nearby.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate, that has been renovated to accommodate expatriate workers.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A simple mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, which had undergone 'modernization' to make it habitable for expatriate labourers.

Omani Architecture
The story of Omani Architecture in the 20th century, reading from right to left, traditional mud brick dwelling, traditional mud-brick dwelling that has been “modernized” to accommodate expatriate workers, and “modern” concrete block construction. Taken in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling on the periphery of Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, that has recently been renovated for renewed habitation.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate, that has been renovated to accommodate expatriate workers.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling on the periphery of Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Building
A 1970s style building in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Interior
A kitchen in a humble mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with
artifacts still in situ.

Al-Hamra Interior
An upstairs room in a large dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with artifacts still in situ.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A large, mud-brick dwelling in the traditional settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman.

The Sheikh's Sitting Room
The Sheikh's private sitting room, with artifacts still in situ. Note the picture of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman, which is a common feature in homes throughout Oman.

Al-Hamra Interior
Another room in the Sheikh's house in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman..

Al-Hamra Interior
Upper landing of a large mud-brick dwelling in in the traditional settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Interior
This photograph was taken on the first-floor communal area of the dwelling shown in the previous image. The door leads to one of the sleeping quarters and the steps on the right to the roof where the kitchen area was located.

Omani Painted Ceiling
Another painted ceiling in a room in the previously pictured dwelling.

Al-Hamra Dwellings
Mud-brick dwellings in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate

Al-Hamra Interior
The vestibule of the dwelling on the left of the previous image. Typical of the dwellings in Al-Hamra, the ground floor was used for storage, with living quarters on the first floor. In this dwelling, the majlis, or men's sitting room, is on the mezzanine level just off the first landing of the steps.

Al-Hamra Interior
Room on the first floor of the dwelling in the previous photographs. Note the youthful image of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman, on the wall.

Al-Hamra Interior
The first-floor landing of the dwelling shown in the previous images. This area also functioned as the lady's sitting room.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
Large mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, built directly onto the granite bedrock.

Al-Hamra Interior
The majlis, or men's sitting room, of the dwelling in the previous photograph, situated on the mezzanine floor..

Al-Hamra Interior
The kitchen area of the dwelling in the previous two photographs. Unusually in Al-Hamra, where kitchens were usually located on rooftops, this kitchen is in an annex at the rear of the dwelling. The hearth is in the middle of the floor and the hole in the roof was to let out the smoke.

Al-Hamra Door
The inscribed main door of a large dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Door Inscription
The inscription of the door pictured in the previous photograph. Although now illegible, it is probably a verse from the Holy Quran..

Al-Hamra Interior
An first-floor room in the Sheikh's House in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with artifacts still in situ. Note that the floor has collapsed in this room..

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A house in the settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman, photographed in infrared..

Omani Door
The front portal to a house in the settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman..

Al-Hamra Interior
Another first-floor room in the Sheikh's House in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with artifacts still in situ..

Al-Hamra Interior
Another upstairs room in the dwelling in the previous image, showing artifacts still in situ..

Al-Hamra Interior
A first-floor room of the dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, shown in the previous photograph..

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A simple mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Interior
A room in a simple mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with evidence of recent activity.

Al-Hamra Interior
A first-floor room of a humble dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with artifacts still in situ. The witches' hat-like objects hanging on the walls were used for cover food..

span>Al-Hamra Dwelling
A modest mud-brick dwelling on the edge of the settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman. In the 1970s and 1980s there were some attempts to modernize these traditional dwellings by installing plumbing and electricity. Most were abandoned by the mid-1990s in favour of more modern habitation..

Al-Hamra Artifacts
A disused tray of dishes and coffee cups which would have been used to serve 'khawa', that is, Omani coffee, dates and fruit, to guests

Al-Hamra Interior
A roughly made food cupboard in a first-floor room of a simple mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman..

Omani Door with Carved Inscription
A carved inscription on a door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
Several large dwellings in the upper levels of Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. The doorway leads into what is reputedly the oldest house in Al-Hamra. If this is correct, then the house dates from the 1680s.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
Another view of what is reputedly the oldest dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, photographed in infrared

Omani Painted Ceiling
The painted ceiling of a mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. Traditional ceilings such as this one were made date-palm beams, with date-palm front matting overlaid and then covered with mud. The beams were highly susceptible to attack from termites, which is why they were often painted with a mixture of dye or paint mixed with paraffin.

Omani Majlis
A building on the periphery of the old souq in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. This is in fact the rear section of a large dwelling that is accessed from the next street. The ground floor contained several small shops and the upstairs, accessed by a staircase through the doorway on the right, served as a majlis, or men's sitting room for the dwelling. Unusually, the majlis was ornately if somewhat crudely painted (see following photographs).

Omani Painted Room
A view of a painted Omani majlis (men's sitting room) in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, an exterior view of which is shown in the previous photograph. The small raised doorway at the end of the wall on the right is connected to the main house. It was through this opening that coffee and dated would have been passed to a younger male member of the household to be served to the guests.

Omani Painted Room
Another view of the painted majlis shown in the previous images

Omani Painted Room
A wall of the painted majlis shown in the previous images. The iconography included the Kaaba in Mecca, a sailing boat and birds.

Omani Painted Room
Detail of a painted majlis in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. The Kaaba in Mecca is shown in this section, along with floral and bird motifs.

Traditional Omani Dwelling
A large mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, which has been 'modernized' by being rendered in cement. Such buildings were sometimes used as habitation for expatriate labourers.

Omani Door Detail
Detail of an Omani door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, which has been 'modernized' for habitation by expatriate workers.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, which has been 'modernized' for habitation by expatriate workers.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A digitally stitched composite image of a very large dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman

Al-Hamra Dwelling
Facade of a traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

stopped hereAl-Hamra Dwelling
A humble mud-brick dwelling on the periphery of Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

I need more information here A traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman
Inscription on Right Leaf
Inscription on the right leaf of the door in the previous photograph, which is located in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. The Arabic inscription is from the Holy Quran and is translated as:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One,
Allah , the Eternal Refuge.
He neither begets nor is born,
Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
(Surah Al-Ikhlas (112) of the Holy Quran)

Inscription on Right Leaf
Inscription on the right leaf of the door in the previous photograph, which is located in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. The Arabic inscription is from the Holy Quran and is translated as:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One,
Allah , the Eternal Refuge.
He neither begets nor is born,
Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
(Surah Al-Ikhlas (112) of the Holy Quran)
![Inscription on Left Leaf
Inscription on the lest leaf of the door shown in the previous photographs. The Arabic inscription is translated as:
This door was fabricated on the 14th in the month of Rajab, year 1314 AH [18th December 1896 CE]](
Inscription on Left Leaf
Inscription on the lest leaf of the door shown in the previous photographs. The Arabic inscription is translated as:
This door was fabricated on the 14th in the month of Rajab, year 1314 AH [18th December 1896 CE]
![Lintel Inscription
As well as inscriptions on both leaves, the door pictured in the previous images also had an inscription on the lintel, composed of two combined quotations from the Holy Quran. They are translated as:
But Allah is](
Lintel Inscription
As well as inscriptions on both leaves, the door pictured in the previous images also had an inscription on the lintel, composed of two combined quotations from the Holy Quran. They are translated as:
But Allah is the best guardian, and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
(Holy Quran, Surah Yusuf (12), Verse 64)
... and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
(Holy Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah (2), Verse 155

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman..

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Omani Metal Door
Al-Hamra Door
Heart-shaped motif on a modern Omani metal door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Omani Painted Ceiling
Al-Hamra Painted Ceiling
A painted ceiling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. Made from split date-palm trunks overlaid with palm-frond mats these ceilings were painted with paraffin mixed with paint or dye to protect them from termites. Designs were often incorporated during this process.

Omani Painted Ceiling
Al-Hamra Painted Ceiling
A painted ceiling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. Made from split date-palm trunks overlaid with palm-frond mats these ceilings were painted with paraffin mixed with paint or dye to protect them from termites. Designs were often incorporated during this process.

Omani Painted Ceiling
Al-Hamra Painted Ceiling
A painted ceiling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. Made from split date-palm trunks overlaid with palm-frond mats these ceilings were painted with paraffin mixed with paint or dye to protect them from termites. Designs were often incorporated during this process.

Omani Painted Ceiling
A painted ceiling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. Made from split date-palm trunks overlaid with palm-frond mats these ceilings were painted with paraffin mixed with paint or dye to protect them from termites. Designs were often incorporated during this process.

Al-Hamra Door
A mud-brick dwelling with ornately carved door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. The narrow streets give an indication of just how built up and densely populated the settlement once was.

Omani Carved Door
The carved door of the traditional mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, shown in the previous image.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling on the periphery of Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, which has undergone 'modernization' in order to accommodate expatriate labourers.

Al-Hamra Interior
A still life taken inside the 'Sheikh's House in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Painted Omani Ceiling
Al-Hamra Painted Ceiling
Detail of a painted ceiling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. Traditionally, such ceilings were supported by split date-palm logs. This is a more recent example, using imported wooden beams. The practical reason for the painting remains the same, though, to prevent termite invasion.

Al-Hamra Dwellings
Two dwellings, one with an overhead extension, in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Omani Door
An internal doorway in the 'Sheikh's House' in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Interior
A ground-floor room in a traditional dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, which has clearly been put to other uses in more recent times.

Omani Door
A door to a large mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Omani Door Detail
Handle of a door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. It was common practice to place a verse from the Holy Quran behind the domed part of such door handles to protect the dwelling from evil

Omani Door
A modern metalwork door in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Interior
The interior of an abandoned house in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman, with artifacts still in situ.

Omani Door
An internal door in a traditional mud-brick house in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Omani Painted Ceiling
A painted ceiling in a large mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. As date-palm trunks are unstable when longer than about three metres, crossbeams were necessary for the ceilings in larger rooms such as this one.

Old bottles in a traditional mud-brick house in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman. Such bottles were often used to hold medicines and ointments obtained from the Mission Hospitals in Muttrah or Muscat. The liquor bottles were, in past times, obtained from passing steam ships and sold for this purpose in Muttrah Souq.

Al-Hamra Door
Main door to a mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Door
A door with carved motifs in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra Door
Metal door in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Al-Hamra External Mihrab
The courtyard prayer niche, or mihrab, of a small mosque in Al-Hamra, Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwelling
A mud-brick dwelling in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate, undergoing renovation.

Al-Hamra Dwellings
Mud-brick dwellings in the traditional settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman.

Al-Hamra Dwellings
Large mud-brick dwellings in the traditional settlement of Al-Hamra in the Sultanate of Oman.