Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art
A four-figure bas-relief tableau on a large boulder in Al-Hamra, formerly known as Coleman's Rock after the American geologist Robert Coleman who brought it to international attention in the 1970s. Today it is known as Hasat Bani Salt (lit. The Rock of the Bani Salt) or Hasat bin Salt.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art
Hasat Bani Salt (lit. The Rock of the Bani Salt) is situated close to the bottom of Jebel Al-Qalah in Al-Hamra, Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate, Sultanate of Oman. It can be seen in this image just lower left of centre.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art
The SSW face of Hasat Bani Salt, showing a life-size four-figure bas-relief tableau. The date of the carving is unknown, though similarities to Bactrian and Eastern Iranian rock art suggest a possible dating to the Middle Bronze Age, c. 2000 BCE.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art
The SSW face of Hasat Bani Salt, showing a life-size four-figure bas-relief tableau. The reliefs catch the raking early morning sunlight, with the Child on the right emerging from the gloom first, followed by the Warrior and woman. The Corpse figure on the west is only illuminated later in the morning. By midday, however, all the figures are virtually invisible.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art "Child"
The "Child" figure of indeterminate sex on Hasat Bani Salt.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art "Child"
The "Child" figure of indeterminate sex on Hasat Bani Salt. This figure is the first to catch the raking sunlight of early morning as the sum peeps over the top of Jebel Al-Qalah.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art "Worrior"
The "Warrior" figure on Hasat Bani Salt, a large muscular male figure clothed in a billowing kilt, perhaps suggesting he is running, apparently poised to throw a spear.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art "Warrior" and "Female"
The "Warrior" figure and a female figure, also clothed in a kilt-like garment, with bare breasts and a distinctive headdress or hairdo, on Hasat Bani Salt.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art "Warrior" and "Female"
The "Warrior" figure and a female figure, also clothed in a kilt-like garment, with bare breasts and a distinctive headdress or hairdo on Hasat Bani Salt.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art "Corpse"
The kilted male figure with a corpse-like visage on the west of Hasat Bani Salt. As with the child on the east, this figure has his right arm raised and bent at the elbow, as if pointing westward.

Hasat Bani Salt Rock Art
A digitally stitched image of the SSW face of Hasat Bani Salt, showing all four figures illuminated by the early morning sun. In reality this doesn't happen as the child has vanished into shadow by the time the "Corpse" is illuminated.